Kamis, 14 September 2006

If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly...

Our last little bit of sparkle has left the building.

Ahh, Kaynebow. How we will miss you.

Amanda = Hot.

It's to Kayne's credit that he really made the attempt to edit himself last night. From the front, the dress is inoffensive, if bland and a little dated-looking. Evidently, Kayne misunderstood the challenge and didn't realize he was supposed to use more white in the design.

The back, however...

Oh, we love him too much and we're sad to see him go. Suffice it to say, the back looks like the top of a laundry bag and we'll leave it at that.

His certainly wasn't the worst look on the runway last night, but at this point in the competition especially, the judges have to be looking at the entirety of a designer's output to decide who's showing in the tents. Much as we love him, Kayne's just came up lacking. He has tremendous skills, but the world of fashion isn't for him, not at this point.

This isn't the end for Kaynebow, though. We predict that out of all the season 3 designers, he will make the most of his exposure. We hope to see him concentrating on stage wear and costuming, picking up the mantle and becoming this generation's Bob Mackie. It's where his talents lie and he's very good at it. Ms. Parton would only be smart to pick up the phone and call him.

We'll miss his wide-eyed enthusiasm and glittery presence. It was always difficult getting screenshots of his interviews because with all the flailing of the hands and rolling of the eyes and bouncing in his seat, we could never get a clear shot of him. He's so gay, he vibrates with it.

And the rest of the season will be a little less fabulous without him.

Auf wiedersehen, Baby.

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