Jumat, 01 September 2006

Dress Form Drama

There were some mighty scared looking mannequins on the runway this week.

Pickmepickmepickme! I'll shut up I promise! Promisepromisepromisepromisepromise!

It kind of sucks for the models this season, doesn't it? We hardly get to see them at all and how many have been eliminated for a design they never modeled? We want model drama, dammit! Give us the days of Morgan wearing Kevin's bathing suit out for drinks or sobbing in the hallway enveloped in Wendy Pepper's deviously maternal bosom.

Which is why this tableau filled us with such glee.

Amanda: *shriek!* OhmiGOD! Ohmigodohmigodohmigod! Hahahahahahaha! I'm in!
Nazri: ...
Clarissa: ...

Amanda: Hahahahahahaha! Oh god I have to pee now. Look! I'm doing a little dance! It's the "I'm in" dance! I'm in! I'm in! Ohmigod you guys, I'm in! Can I just tell you how relieved I am?
Nazri: ...
Clarissa: ...
Jia: ?

Amanda: *gasp!* OhmigodIcan'tbelieveit. I can't BELIEVE IT. Can you guys believe it? I was totally scared that Kayne wasn't going to pick me because he said I talked too much which I totally don't think I do but he's just pissed because I can talk faster than he can and anyway he's so competitive but he's also under a lot of stress and besides I can't talk bad about him because HE PICKED ME and I will love him forever for that even though I think he might be gay but don't tell him I said that. OhmiGOD, I'm in!
Nazri: ...
Clarissa: ...
Jia: ...?

Amanda: Whew! Gotta fan myself! I was sweating out there! But! I'm in! No more sweating for me! Except if Kayne fucks up the next challenge but you guys, I am totally going to work the shit out of that thing whatever it is plus I will not talk too much when he's fitting me and trying to glue the glitter on or whatever because hello! He's trying to work!
Nazri: ...
Clarissa: ...
Jia: ...??

Amanda: Whew! So! What's up with you guys?
Nazri: ...
Clarissa: ...
Jia: Speak...slowly...please?

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