Sabtu, 02 September 2006

Mr. Crankypants.

What was up HIS ass this week? He won the last challenge and then he flew first class to Paris and yet he was moody as hell.

That last one is a little scary. If we were Nina, we'd start carrying pepper spray in our purse. And when we say "pepper spray," we mean "a gun."

Okay, let's talk about the outfit.

Jesus, cheer up, Moody McLithium!

Anyway, we weren't as annoyed by this outfit as some people were. When Vincent was describing what a "jetsetter" looks for in clothing (it needs to travel well), it all clicked for us. Vincent doesn't approach a challenge from a design point of view; he approaches it from a potential retail point of view. It seems like every challenge he undertook started with the question "How do I get this on the rack at Barney's?" And hey, that's a completely valid (if pedestrian) way of approaching fashion, but as the Duchess reminded him, this is a design competition. There wasn't much designing going on here. He basically made the exact same pants he was wearing, just in black. And the top couldn't have been less interesting. Plus, it didn't fit him well.

And would it have killed him to suck in the gut while he was on the runway?

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