That title is the one and only man-boob joke we're going to make because we love Kayne and he had a shitty week (again) and former fatboys are always fighting the boobage factor and we totally sympathize.
So there.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Elton Johnny Cash!
Oh Kaynebow, our cold, bitchy hearts once again grew ten sizes as we watched you flail about in water over your head. We just wanted to take you in our arms and pat you on the head (without messing the hair, of course) and tell you that it'll all be alright just as soon as you get some taste.
To be fair, it was a well-constructed outfit, although we didn't think the pants were very flattering. But hey, your ass looked great!
We are of course still rooting for the last standing gayboy in the competition, but when he revealed his muse, we knew it was going to be painful.
Tara Reid, Kaynebow? Tara "Frankentitty" Reid? Oh, honey. We just don't know what to say to that.
By the way, how adorable was this:
Hip-Hop vs. Hoppity-Hop!
It's always hard to watch when a designer thinks he's producing something great, only to have his confidence beaten out of him by the Bitches of Fashion.
Jetsetter! Paparazzi! Fabulous!
Something stinks and it ain't me.
Back off, bitch. I let you have the paper dress, but I'm done explaining myself to you.
(P.S. Tim, what products are you using? Because we would KILL for skin like that.)
Jetsetter! Paparazzi! Fabulous!
I hate this bitch.
Jetsetter? Paparazzi? Fabulous?
Even zo I am wearing zee upholstery fabrique zat makes me look like ze couch, I am still a thousand times more fabuluz zan you, you reediculuz fairy.
I hate this French bitch.
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