Senin, 14 Agustus 2006

I'm a WINNER, dammit!!

Our girl Kayne really thought he had this one locked up.

That is one uber-confident queen there.

"Lalalala. I could stand here and listen to this all day. WinnerWinnerWinner, that's me. Kayne the winner."

And here's the exact moment when he realized he wasn't going to win it and his gracious-loser pageant training reluctantly kicked in. That is one pinched smile.

Now, y'know that Orbitz commercial with the two twinsets trimming their hedges while trying to book a trip to Cancun? Y'know how the blonde one - Dan's wife, for those of us in the know - screws it all up and goes all 20th century by trying to book it with a phone and she's totally not with it because the brown one has a computer installed in her shrubbery and she lands a sweet deal through and Dan's wife is all secretly pissed but she can't actually say she is, what with this being the suburbs and all, and she squeezes out a thin little "
Congratulations"? You know, that one?

He is totally Dan's wife right now, trimmed hedges and all.

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